dear bee // 4.

Dear Bee,

I’m slowly getting the hang of you. At least enough to know that there’s really no getting the hang of you. Some days, you feed like a barracuda all day long (and I have the empty Lansinoh tubes to prove it!). Other days, you’re content with a long nap and a short snack. Some days you’re fussy; others you’re a dreamboat. And you know what? Last week, I’d have been furiously Googling “newborn baby behavior” to make sure everything was “normal.” But this week, something shifted. Maybe I’m learning to trust my intuition, but I think instead I’m learning to trust your instinct.

You’re a smart cookie, Bee. You know how to get by, and you know how to survive. Sometimes I think I need to just stop going through the checklist of things that could be upsetting you (dirty diaper? hungry belly? acid reflux?) and listen. And as your weeks grow into months and your months into years, I realize that this is the lesson you’ll likely be teaching me for a long, long time.

So here’s to listening to each other, Bee. We’ll figure out the rest along the way.
