dear bee // 5.

Dear Bee,

Oh little one. You learned how to use those God-given lungs this week, and my gracious are you giving your father and I some fits. Seemingly overnight, someone replaced our complacent little glo-worm with a screamer and voicing your opinion is now high on your list of favorite hobbies.

I won’t lie; it’s a bit maddening trying to figure out what exactly is turning you into such a cranky little child. Often times your dad and I will run through the checklist of all of your basic needs and decide that, for no reason at all, you’re just crying. And that’s OK.

I think you’re just like me, Bee. You’re sensitive. And sensitivity is a beautiful thing. I can’t wait to see you grow into someone who cares so much. Who is tuned into the needs of others, showing empathy to those around her. Who is so very aware of the weight that life holds.

Being sensitive can be a hard trait to carry through life, but it’s a good one – I promise. You’ll see.


p.s. Your father and I have invested in a super pack of ear plugs, so feel free to carry on, little one. We’ll be right here for you.