Image & Identity

When we lived in Los Angeles, friends from far and wide would come “visit us,” which – let’s be honest – meant “enjoy an L.A. vacation with a free couch to sleep on.” We’d cart them around to various trademark posts: Hollywood, Malibu, the hills of Palos Verdes. We’d hear the same phrase, over and

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Kid-Free In Saugatuck

So, last week, Ken and I road tripped to Michigan with our friends for really no reason at all except that it was time for a grown-up getaway. This was our first kid-free trip together, and we were so cliche in our childcare preparations that I won’t even go into detail here, except to mention

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And there were tanned shoulders and chilled rose and chocolate-covered potato chips and brilliant sunsets and fistfuls of blackberries and sandy beach blankets and long, good chats in the most perfectly mild 70-degree evenings and Calgon, take me away.

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Midwestern Design

I’ve covered a slew of international design over the past nine years,  but it hasn’t been for lack of talent here in my own neck of the woods. It’s high time I gave a shout to my roots, yes? Introducing, my favorite Midwestern designers and makers who live in lands of corn and cities of

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When She Moves Away

When your friend tells you the news that she’s moving to San Francisco over a casual take-out night, you wince a little. The corners of your smile twitch upward because you want to smile, but your gut is pulling down, down – deep into the pit of your belly. So your face pulls like a

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bookmark it.

I’m on my way to Palm Beach for a fun event, but not before I leave you with plenty of reading material in my absence! Happy Friday, friends!: 1. Brooklyn Bride is full of rainbow goodness! 2. Shabd’s new fall collection is just… stunning. 3. Alicia’s DIY geometric necklace is gasp-inducing. 4. Love this peek

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