Do This: Talk To Strangers

… preferably in a ball pit. I have an admitted fear of ball pits, because OMG germs, but I’d make an exception here. Soul Pancake orchestrated a touching project (dare I call it a public art installation?) encouraging grown-ups to harness their inner child, pause their days and reach out to a new friend. The

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quirky models.

If I ever created a fashion line, I’d totally commission Eden to draw my models. Look how crazy they are!?! Plus, I think their bodies might be modeled after a normal girl’s size. (And yes, I did just get all educational / girl power on you!) LINK:  EDEN VEAUDRY

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clare torina.

OK if my family tree was this cool, I’d hang it over my mantle. Except I wouldn’t have a mantle b/c my maternal grandmother would have been a bear. Thus, I’d live in a cave. Or something. Link:  CLARE TORINA [thanks for the link, kat!]

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