jess gonacha.

I have never, not ONCE had a piece of art bring me to tears. Never. I didn’t think it was humanly possible, especially for someone who only cries during that really moving Free Willy scene where Joshua Jackson puts his right arm in the air as Willy flies over him and ‘Will You Be There’ by Michael Jackson fades in to close.

Wow. I know that scene all too much.

Anyway, I’ve been a fan of Jess Gonacha for three weeks now (yeah, I know; I just found her, so don’t make fun!) and was perusing her Etsy shop after chatting with her for a bit last night— and whoa. The tears came when I looked at this print.

It makes no sense. I’m not necessarily a ‘pink’ kind of gal, and I’m WAY more partial to the Bird Lady print, but this one made me tear up. Folks— I am NOT a crier (although my little Willy tribute may speak differently). What the heck?

Anyway, go have a look. Tell me if it makes you cry. B/c dangit, Jess; if you’ve got subliminal tears going on in this print, then that’s pretty freaking awesome.

If not, I’ll just say I love it and be done. (Click here to view Jess’ other work, with prints only $15! Whew. I’m in love).

  • Everytime I get one of your posts, it makes me want to BUY BUY BUY! Your blog is bad for me! hahahahah! I love it though..these are really great!

  • Wow, I LOVE her prints. The Bird Lady print is definitely one of my favorites…but all of them are so great! Hmm…I may have to do some shopping tonight :)

  • Does that print not make you CRY, though?! Oh gracious.

  • First of all, you had me at Free Willy…I thought I was the only person on earth who had seen that movie enough times to recall that scene with such vividness. Some serious LOL going on over here.

    While I can’t say that the print in question brought me to tears…it certainly spoke to me (in volumes actually).

    I see it’s sold out…did you treat yourself?? :)

  • no, it’s in the shop!! it was bought, and then restocked. :)

  • S.HOPtalk— OMG you’re my Free Willy companion! I’m SO SO excited!!! :)

    And Jess– so glad to see it’s back!!! :)

  • Thank you so much for introducing me to this wonderful artist! There is so much emotion and sincerity to her work. I also see Jess lives in Atlanta like me!

    P.S. – I quite shamelessly love “Free Willy”

  • i can’t believe i totally skipped commenting on the Free Willy part of your post. What a doofus! I LOVED that movie. cried, sang along, cried some more…… sigh. TO have a whale as a best friend. Life would be grander than it already is.

    Erin Tyner– I’m going to find you here in Atlanta! We can be friends!

    Erin in RB: don’t worry. You’re my BFF forever. :)

  • Ok yeah, Jess— I thought you were cheating on me!!!

    Whew. Nervous. ;)

  • Oh goodness . . .another tempting morsel from Etsy (it’s why I’m broke right now!). I have to go with ‘the bird lady’ as my fave (broke, but just bought it anyway!), as lately the powers that be have been telling me to collect pieces with nests (so much symbolism there).

    This reminds me of two really stunning pieces by felllow-Atlanta artists Dorothy O’Connor (third row far right, and this one I own!)
    and Pam Moxley
    (pinching many pennies for this one someday!)

    Thanks so much for sharing Jess’ work!

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