My Latest Book

Whether your goal is to keep your toddler entertained without the use of YouTube, to limit your 4th grader’s incessant requests for a smartphone, to shelter your pre-teen from cyberbullying, to ensure your sophomore doesn’t spend her entire paycheck on TikTok’s skincare recommendations, or to avoid your own temptation to “just respond to this e-mail

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A Story to Treasure

Children’s books are a hard thing to perfect. How to create a magical mood that transports a young child – and her reader – into another world? How to capture wonder? How to offer delight? And, perhaps more importantly, how can you possibly pin it all to a page? My friend Sarah Mackenzie knows. Her

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A Road to Travel

Ginny Yurich is the only person on the planet who can get me to wriggle out of my pajamas and into merino wool long johns for an outdoor jaunt in the dead of winter. And she’s certainly the only person on the planet who can get my children to join me. In short: she’s our

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A Riot to Start

My friend Jess’ book came out today, and after dog-earing an early copy all summer long, I will start by saying this: Her’s is not just a book to read. It’s a ruckus to raise. Through wild tales and wry admissions, Jess shakes us all from the stupor of living in a world orchestrated by

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A 6-Question Journal

I’m on my fourth 5-year journal, so you wouldn’t be wrong if you said I was hopelessly stuck in my ways. In nearly two decades, my nightly ritual hasn’t veered an inch: brush teeth, lay out tomorrow’s clothes, slather hydrocortisone on itchy ears (long story, tell you later). And yet: my friend Tsh just recently

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A Simpler Advent

Of all the Christmas activities I am easily overwhelmed by, the advent calendar tops the list. The pressure that comes with dreaming and scheming 25 tiny surprises for 3 kids is enough to send me straight to the North Pole Looney Bin. So this year, I’m outsourcing the creativity to the always-clever clan at After

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A Pine-worthy Blazer

Linen will forever be my favorite fabric – so light! so airy! so breezy! – but often times, it feels like an odd style choice once the snow starts flying around. Until now. With a perfectly pine hue, relaxed fit, and classic cut, the Vincent Linen Boyfriend Jacket has kept my linen affinities in high

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Tower for One

The toddler and I are the first ones to rise in the morning, so we have all the time in the world to prep a slow and simple breakfast while the rest of the fam wakes. Lately, we’ve relied heavily on this genius (adjustable!) step stool tower that keeps little ones safe while raising them

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