who’s who: marisa haedike.

I’ve been a massive fan (almost stalker status here, guys) of Marisa’s for gosh, I don’t know how long. And it just seems like one of those days where I’d like to again profess my love for her work.

Whimsy, childish, but perfect for rose-colored-glasses-wearing adults, Marisa Haedike creates the most beautiful and pacifying pieces of art. Using acryclic, wood, and anything she can get her hands on, Marisa’s art occupies a tiny sense of humor in every piece.

Available from her website, Creative Thursday or Velocity Art and Design (and a few others!), you can snag one of her pieces today with little to no lead time. Want more? You guessed it; she’s a fellow blogger as well.

We love you, Marisa! Thanks for providing daily inspiration for us over at DFM.