• Cute, but those little appendages would get knocked off in my computer bag… People would be seeing little bits of wood scraps and wonder if I keep a woodchuck and a little hamster wheel in there to power my laptop.

  • I’m not sure what to make of them, technology and nature together like that! Would certainly be a talking point.

  • I love the idea of a little stick poking out of a computer. Awesome contrast.

  • These are awesome! I would totally accidentally drop that and step on it though :) (or even worse-sit on one!!) OUCH!

  • great find! what a contrast to what we have around us in order to be blogging/reading blogs…

  • “Stick it in the trunk”
    I love the paradox. I think it could become poplar, I pine for it. Oaky-dokey, I could branch out on this but I best leaf now.

  • I’m all for computer peripherals that aren’t made entirely of plastic (assuming of course that it IS wood). Cudos to the maker!

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