who: again, damien hirst.
what: exploring the uncertainty at the core of human existence [yikes!].
where: lives and works in London and Devon.
when: born in 1965.
why: because the world needed his holy awesomeness.
how: i think you KNOW where babies come from… [thanks, marija!].
who’s who: damien hirst.

that sculptor is amazing! he even has whole people displayed like that. and they look alive!
another amazing artist (or whatever he’s called) is that guy who heads up body worlds (i think they’re german). my husband who’s a sculptor helped set of their show in phoenix, and it was absolutely amazing!
i mean, of course there’s controversy and whatnot surrounding these kinds of exhibits, but that’s another post in itself ;)
I am a big Hurst fan!
I love Damien Hirst, his work is even more intense in person.
Personally I prefer his metal sculptures to the formaldehyde work …
I too, am a huge fan of his work.
What’s great about Hirst (that’s with an *I* not a *U*–wink)is his amazing titles…
oops– thanks, anon!
aw, you always show us the good stuff :)
thanks as always.
and congratulations on your new life changes, so exciting for you. (oh, and us)