I received the sweetest email from Brenda this morning and can’t take my eyes off of her work. Such a lovely technique she has, and I adore her website. Simple and memorable. Thanks, Brenda, for showing off your great work!
Link: Brenda Rose
Related link: Brenda Rose on Etsy
This is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day. Make that all week :-)
Love her work!!
She’s a goodie! :)
Oh! That is fabulous! I’m off to take a look at her shop…
very nice indeed! :)
Very cool!!
Wow, her work is so unique and pretty. I love how each piece is simple and uncluttered. There’s something very soothing about it. And she’s got a great website! Thanks for posting :)
yee haw! i’m so thrilled to be on this site! much thanks!
Anytime, dear— thrilled to have you! :)
Great feature Erin! Brenda’s work is really special…I love mixed media art — especially ones that are witty and transcend vintage and modern elements like Brenda!
Love her stuff, all of it. She marries old and new objects beautifully.
Brenda does beautiful and wonderful work…
oh, i love brenda rose. she’s one of my etsy favorites.
this is amazing! How exactly do you create something like this? what are the steps?:D
So fabulous.