A sugar cookie addict from the Pacific Northwest owns up to her worst habits, best advice and unanswered questions… let’s help her out!

A sugar cookie addict from the Pacific Northwest owns up to her worst habits, best advice and unanswered questions… let’s help her out!
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sunny and 70, my kind of weather! :)
love the new site Erin!
yes and no — this is exactly what you’d want to do. However, to save yourself some frustration, get a feel for their style, and length (you could have a perfectly good piece of writing, but if it doesn’t fit with them it won’t work). Also, if your piece is too long or short by their standards, it might be difficult for your to pare it down or stretch it out, after you feel you’re done with it.
If you want to work continually for a magazine, try publishing things in lower level publications first, perhaps even a blog — it doesn’t need to be too fancy, just a way to show what you’re capable of, and that you’re passionate about it. Then, you can pitch ideas to this magazine, knowing you have something to show them. When pitching, try not to take ideas you see from major publications; they’ve already seen it.
At the same time, if you’re really passionate about a certain topic and already know exactly what you want to write, just do it! Have a couple people look it over, and then find the publication you think would publish it. One time deal; just get it out there!
Here’s an easy reference:http://www.google.com/Top/News/Magazines_and_E-zines/
and for more advice on the industry, check this out:
hope that helps! (i got most of it from my writing professors)
Best of luck,
xo, Jessie
Jessie— You are always so sweet and give the best advice. THANK YOU! :)
I agree – the new layout is amazing! I love it.
Thanks for putting me on here. It made my friday!
So funny…it really is so annoying when you encounter a repetitive sneezer! Stacy has a great blog that I really like, too.
Hi Stacy,
I’ve gotten stuff published in magazines mainly by sending it to the email – I’ve always thought it would be more complicated than that too. But there are probably other ways I don’t know of … good luck!
erin this is such a great new feature. i love how creative you are with your blog. always bringing us new things.
stacy good luck with your writing!