Today’s another fun-filled Reader Profile Friday where we hear from YOU! Amrita is a passionate and inquisitive Brooklynite on a mission to finding the perfect balance in her life. Think you guys can help her out?
Today’s another fun-filled Reader Profile Friday where we hear from YOU! Amrita is a passionate and inquisitive Brooklynite on a mission to finding the perfect balance in her life. Think you guys can help her out?
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On blogging: Just don’t let it become a stress in your life. (Like you need to update, update, update!) It’s, initially, 100% for fun, in my opinion. Other outlets can later lend themselves through developing a reader-base. But this is completely up to you.
On photography: It might be interesting — and beneficial, considering your study — to minor in photography, or at least take an intro class. If this isn’t an option, I’ve started out with this book, in my intro. classes at Ithaca College.
Good luck with everything! I can’t really say much on the design part, but you seem to have the drive necessary. And a flip-flopping mind may not be a bad thing in this industry! :)
– Jessie – xo
Thanks for your comments Jessie..I have of late been trying to journal (draw, collage, all key skills I think) regularly. I fill a lot of pages but was not always consistent. These days I feel exercise (long term priority that must not slide and is also a great way to think of ideas) and drawing something every day is key. I also think having a camera with me at all times, like my journal, is also key since I like to silk screen etc so found images are important. Need to get a new compact camera, since my old one just died. If anyone has any suggestions for cameras too, would be much appreciated!!
Once school starts, I do not know how I will keep sane. Also, going back to school full time this late in life will be a challenge for sure.
Erin – this is a hoot! Thanks for posting this.
Hi Amerita,
I loved reading your profile! I agree with Jessie on the blogging thing, don’t let it overwhelm you- it should just be a fun creative outlet. I have no idea what I did without my blog.
Keeping a notebook/journal and camera on you at all times is a great idea because inspiration is everywhere. Sometimes as designers, we get overloaded, but in reality it’s much simpler that it seems.
Good luck with it all and have fun in school, suck it in like a sponge girl :)
Aww, Amrita– you are a sweet pea.
Thanks Jessie and Krissy for your GREAT advice… anyone have camera recommendations for Amrita?
Hi Amrita… 2 things about SVA: 1) Try to take a class, if it exists now, on the business end of graphic design. That would have been helpful in my career, and i don’t remember seeing courses like that while i was there.
2) HAVE FUN with your design, and BE AUTHENTIC to yourself while you are working on your pieces.
In answer to your question, how do you keep it all going?
the answer is: you just DO. I have been juggling 9 clients all by myself for the past 3 weeks, and there are a million balls in the air. But somehow they all land where they’re supposed to by the end of the day.
Good luck!
i loved reading your profile amrita!
and re: your question on how designers keep it going, i guess based on my experience, networking and being open minded and flexible are the most important things. it’s good to be aware of trends, but to also be aware of your own aesthetic. it’s easy to get burnt out in design, so it’s important to balance work time and leisure time.
Thanks to everyone for their feedback. Heidi – I certainly hope they have a business related class. Though I am going back to school after 12 years in corporate America, I certainly have no idea about going to work for myself, which I guess will not happen right away. One of my key issues right now is figuring out my style. I am attracted to minimal stuff, but I also like hand drawn and messy type, something that speaks to the culture of the design where it was born from instead of some sterile,corporate Helvetican design. I took a silk screening class this summer and am looking forward to using that to produce pieces. I also hope to find a job at some point while being in school to help gain the real world experience before I graduate. It seems like a lot to do and I hope these balls all fall into place. Aprintaday – good point on the leisure time balance with work. It does seem that something so personal can take over your free time as well. I cant think of people who are in this field because they dont like it. I am sure at a certain point, I will have built my basic skills and hopefully execution time will reduce giving me more to concentrate on filling the well and hanging out. Sometimes I get worried that coming from a non artistic background, and being as hard working as I can be, I may forget to have fun or experience things, which is so important to being a well rounded designer.
I loved reading your profile! and aboce all your sunday afternoon :)
i should make some lists about things to explore in, my own city. that’s a good idea
That’s a GREAT idea, Lucie! :)