Attention blogs/shoppes/lovers of Dialogue! We have officially reached 20,000 viewers for our beloved video series here on Design for Mankind, and as you know, advertising spots for Dialogue are in full force [our first sponsor will air in two weeks; thank you, sfgirlbybay!].
For Memorial Day weekend ONLY, receive a :15 second promo spot at the beginning of a Dialogue episode for just $150!
Email me for rates/details ASAP, as we can only accept the first 5 blogs/shoppes to reserve!Ready… set…. GO!
Congratulations!! That’s wonderful.
Wow thats amazing! Well done you!
so this has nothing to do with advertising, although i do LOVE the Dialogue episodes… but I think I have a little crush on Will Bryant (above). Don’t know him, don’t know why… I just do. And now I am sitting at my desk blushing. wow I’m five.
Vanessa, don’t feel bad – I was crushin’ a bit too ; )
Ha— don’t we all have that problem? Will’s happily married to the cutest girl ever, but I’m sure he’d be flattered to hear your thoughts! :)
Congrats Erin on growing and fully committing to your site. It’s been pleasing to observe the journey :)
Hey Erin – brilliant idea – both for you and the advertiser! Very impressed – advertising on the video itself would never have crossed my mind! I do so love those dialogue videos!
so excited for you! these series are AMAZING.
20,000!!!! Woot woot. This series is beyond fabulous!