1. If you put a parrot on an average dress, it is no longer average.
2. These people are nude, but you can’t tell, so this is automatically arty.
3. A light bulb over a pile of dirt? Also automatically arty.
deep thoughts for monday.

Love the deep thoughts. Those nudes are kinda cool! Is that ok to say? lol
The Cheeky Cafe
re: #1, that’s because you put a bird on it. sorry, i just couldn’t resist. it is a fabulous dress!!
Ha. Cute deep thoughts. I think anything suspended over a pile of dirt has the potential to look artsy, n’est-ce pas? Be it organic, electronic or alive… nice collection of interesting eye candy. Thanks!
ha — amen! :)
If you put a cat head on a lady, it’s a party. Cat Party that is :).