the new cowhide rug.

luis kahn geometric cowhide patchwork rug

I’ve never been one to get behind the traditional cowhide rug (although I love the shape!), but patchwork cowhide rugs have been popping up left and right – and they are very lustable indeed.

patchwork cowhide rug

What do you think, friends? Love or hate?

japanese cowhide rug


  • absolutely love with abandon the first one. I cant imagine ever owning a home lovely enough to house it but…stunning!

  • just the other day i was walking by a store that seemed to have a faux cowhide going on…it really caught my eye! it was like a satin thread that had a shine to it and went in different directions – especially if it was walked on. the effect was great.

  • I really only like the white one! However, I don’t dig the cowhide aspect. I’d love that in another thick, robust, textural fabric though!

  • i have to be debbie downer on this one… i can’t get behind a rug that lots of lovely animals died for. the designs are gorgeous, and if they were fabric or woven or something awesome like that, i’d so be down! hooray for cruelty free design!

  • I love them all! As with the consumption of meat, I look at all of these and think, ‘Thank you’…to those who gave their lives for something so beautiful.

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