The Amber Chair is a chair dipped in amber-like polymer and then called art.
Could you have guessed that on your own? Oh, I’m sorry. You smart, young things, you.
ps. Someday I’m going to dip myself im amber and call it art. Someday.
that. is. SO COOL! omg that’s really awesome. fun =]
As a gal named Amber, I dunno what to think about this.
shrink it….wear it around your neck or on your finger!
Is it flavored? It could make getting dressed tricky each morning, but imagine the envy aroused if you walk about licking yourself all the time.
So, your idea is a good one.
L O V E!!! So direct about artistic derivation–
This reminds me of Jurassic Park!
Ha! This is like those Mexican candies filled with insects!