Miscellaneous pom pom animal sculptures. by erin | 11.11.201011.07.2010 It’s a textile zoo out there! I LOVE THIS! Link: TROY EMERY
i am all for art, in any way, shape or form. but these sort of creep me out. maybe it’s just the cheetah. or the one with the odd head…
i love your scuepturesso much they are so buetiful you are a great artist please please please send me an email i would be so happy
hi (sorry for the spelling mistakes) at school we need to do a project on an Artist and i picked you. you are an imspration. i love your work.
I want a whole forest full.
whoa- that’s all sorts of awesome-
i am all for art, in any way, shape or form. but these sort of creep me out. maybe it’s just the cheetah. or the one with the odd head…
ha — i think thats a dino, but yes — it definitely has an odd head. :)
Some are absolutely gorgeous and cute, but others seem a bit creepy to me.
hahahah totally! that seems to be the general consensus. :)
they look amazing, little bit strange but it looks someone had a fun making them
Is this by Nick Cave?
I saw his exhibit a while back, this looks like something he’d make.
its actually troy emery, but i’d love to see the nick cave installation if you can find it!
i love your scuepturesso much they are so buetiful you are a great artist please please please send me an email i would be so happy
hi (sorry for the spelling mistakes)
at school we need to do a project on an Artist and i picked you. you are an imspration. i love your work.