a $500 beso giveaway!

I don’t know about you, but as summer is fast approaching, I’m finding myself with very, very little to wear. Layers feel too fussy, and last season’s threads just aren’t doing it for me anymore. Anyone else in serious want for a new wardrobe?


Luckily, Beso has offered Design for Mankind readers just that: an entire new summer wardrobe valued at $500. I did a little virtual shopping and came up with my own dream collection above, and now it’s your turn! To enter:

1. Jump over to Beso.com and create your account.
2. Build a collection of your favorite items, then comment with a link to your collection below!

Sure, it takes a few minutes, but so does building the perfect summer wardrobe (actually, it only took me three Billy Joel songs before I’d built my dream collection!)!

I’ll choose a winner at random this Friday (May 25th). Go forth and e-shop, and a huge thanks to Beso for offering such a fantastic prize!!!

(Sorry, open to US residents only, 18 and older. Only one entry per person, please!)

EDIT: Congratulations to our winner Rosie (jangmi88)! I’ll be emailing you shortly!

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