Search Results for: studio fludd

studio fludd.

Kate gave me the head’s up that Studio Fludd had updated their portfolio, and OMG yes. (I’ve posted about Studio Fludd twice before and am the happiest owner of their…

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slow food toys.

Slow food movement, kids’ style? Yes indeed… The geniuses at Studio Fludd have created the sweetest prototype for future culinary artists: Slow Wood. Each imaginative kid can spend hours building…

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studio amber.

…p.s. Love that old couple above! p.p.s. Want a virtual “Studio Amber”? Mr. Chizu was all abuzz over Twitter yesterday, thanks to Ms. Sally Shim! Genius app. LINK: STUDIO AMBER…

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Art, The Teacher

…days in the studio do not produce a finished work of art, just baby steps toward something off in the distance. There are so many days spent in the studio

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welcome, studio forbes.

…have even been THINKING of blogging. I like to call him the original blogger, just not in a ‘blog’ format. Now, the 56-year-old entrepreneur has announced his next venture: Studio

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lill studio.

…Brown sent me a link to Lill Studio, which offers totally customizable purses, handbags and accessories. And yeah, I’ve seen this sort of thing before, but I can honestly say…

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studio lvwp.

This lamp created for a Studio LVWP exhibit is named Henry, which makes me love him 84 times more than I ever did. LINK: STUDIO LVWP…

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