say the password.

Oh, to have a secret clubhouse again. I’d totally bunk in these sweet canopy playhouses. My reading club’s (Yes, reading club. I was rad.) password was purple banana split. Do with that what you will. I’m totally going to be kicked out of the alumni group for sharing it on the Internet, FYI. LINK: LAND

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It’s getting chilly here in the midwest; here’s what I’d wrap up my littles in!: 1. Wool-blend rabbit fur hat ($63) 2. Alpaca bunny mittens ($40) 3. Grey wool knitted scarf ($58) 4. White snow boots ($170) By the way, did you know that many schools in Sweden are outdoors? Fascinating!

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bookmark it.

Happy weekend! We’ve got some final days of sunshine here in the midwest, so I’ll be soaking up these crisp fall days with a weekend road trip down south for my Grandpa’s [super high number!] birthday. Enjoy you & yours, and here are a few links that landed in my inbox this week!: 1. Yes!

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mini links.

Happy weekend, friends! I’ve scrounged up some inspiring finds to enjoy over the next few days; see you back here next week!: 1. Love these balloon lamps for a sweet nursery. 2. An adorable new collection from Pigmee. 3. This card is so cute for a job well done. Yay parades! 4. 6 super modern

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gosh, gorman.

I’m having totally irrational feelings about Gorman’s latest collection. Pattern explosion! Yes! Those. Socks. LINK: GORMAN

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