design your teeth.

It’s time our toothbrushes went to style school, yes? Although for some reason, brushing my teeth with colored bristles is sort of grossing me out right now. I don’t know why, either. Sometimes my head is interesting on the inside. But how pretty would these look on your sink? Very, very pretty. (And yes, I’d

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Last week, photographer Anne Hubert hosted a kissing contest in the back of her van. Look at these rad entries! I totally had a bunny that looked just like this one when I was 6, by the way. (His name was Flopsy, and he died by overheating outside on a summer day because I was

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toy cars within a toy car.

Raise your hand if you store your kid’s matchbox cars in a plastic bin. (My future self is raising my hand, so no judgments here!) Good news. There’s something cuter out there. How smart is this storage solution? A toy car to house a bunch of tinier toy cars? It’s like a vehicular Matryoshka doll.

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string me along.

This ceramic bead garland is tugging at my heartstrings. And pursestrings. But mostly heartstrings. Want me to say strings again? This beauty was made with ceramic beads and string. Radstrings. LINK: POUR PORTER

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matthew craven.

Some people should be able to invent their own hieroglyphics system of language, and Matthew Craven is one of those people. This would mean ‘Hello.’ And this one would mean ‘I am completely awesome at art.’ Those are really the only phrases he’d need, I think. LINK: MATTHEW CRAVEN

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i want it.

This Scandinavian rug just whispered a mighty sweet nothing into my wallet. She said no (the wallet), but I’m saying yes. LINK: STORE WITHOUT A HOME

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bookmark it.

Happy Friday! It officially feels like fall this week, which thrills me to no end. Hope you’re enjoying some crisp weather where you are! As always, here are some goodies that landed in my inbox this week: 1. These terrarium scarves are snazzy indeed. 2. New shop Cloth Paper Cloth is re-inventing vintage fashion! 3.

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