On Fleas and Forgiveness

Raising a kid when both parents work flexible, work-from-home gigs is kind of like sharing a car. You communicate all the time, but about logistics and schedules and routines until one random Tuesday night, you pass each other in the hallway and you’re like, “Hey! How’ve you been?” It’s crazy, but the good kind. The

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A Place To Rest

There are certain people in our lives that give freely of themselves, offering their time and talents and advice to anyone in need. It’s a rare treat to know these people, and an even rarer treat to have the pleasure to call one of these people a member of your family.

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My Favorite Convo Starter

I’m not a fan of small talk, not in the slightest. I’m just not good at it; I want to dive in – faster, deeper, down into the depths of what makes us all tick. (I know you’re not surprised by this.) So basically, when surrounded by friends or acquaintances or colleagues or family, I

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Our Latest Project

We’ve been teasing this a bit on Instagram, but we launched the official news right here last week. That’s right – another renovation! (I can’t believe it either.) For those of you who have been following since our HGTV.com show, you’ll know we still had one last space to finish in this home when we

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My Real Bio

Hi, there! If you’ve been visiting this site for any number of minutes, you’ll likely have read my “official” bio. If not, it’s here. It’s the sizzle reel of my career thus far; the big, celebratory moments awash in glitter remnants and golden trophies. (Actually, there are no trophies. Can I get a trophy?) There

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The Weight of The Moment

Ever since I began slow blogging two years ago, I’ve noticed a strange trend in my own life; an unexpected shift that seems counter-intuitive to how I’m wired to operate – how our culture is wired to operate. It’s this: The better the moment, the less pull I feel to document it.

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Living With A Tumor

A few of you asked if I’d share more about Ken’s brain tumor diagnosis in college (mentioned in this post), but I just didn’t feel like it was my story to tell, you know? There’s always a fine line and delicate balance when your story kind of spills over into someone else’s life, and for

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Billboard Parenting

One of the more surprising byproducts of becoming a parent for me was the sudden introduction to a mild form of social isolation; the weird tension that existed when I chose a different route/method/strategy of parenting than my close circle of friends. It’s out of my wheelhouse; I have never typically rushed toward controversy or

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