Re-visiting The Registry

You knew this post was coming, yes? First-time mom registries are so very funny. We furiously add products day after day, discovering new miraculous lifesavers that promise to make the transition easier and the baby happier and life all around more magical. And then the baby comes and you realize that he hates to be

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A Basket of Stories

Raising Bee to have a respect and fascination for cultures other than our own is of utmost importance to me. Our world is small, indeed, and we have much to learn from those that walk this great Earth among us – whether they’re poets hiking aimlessly through the mountains of Austria or, in this case,

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A Printed Artifact

Founded by art director and graphic designer Joshua Ogden, Justified Magazine provides a breather to our blogging culture while still acknowledging the power and shareability of the Internet. It began as a blog, as these things often do, and has now morphed into a printed format that offers insight into contemporary design and photography – a concise peek at creative individuals who are operating at the forefront of today’s visual culture.

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Creating With Kids

I mentioned last week that I’ve been noticing a resurgence of artistic, design-driven parents that are inspired by – not despite – their children. It’s been a refreshing trend to watch as I’ve been experiencing my own personal spark of creativity after Bee’s birth. Parenting is demanding, yes, but it also has a way of

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Beauty In The Everyday

Author Charlotte Moss once wrote, “We must occasionally remind ourselves of our brief visit on this planet. Shouldn’t we try to express ourselves clearly, make a personal stamp on our environment, and pay attention to the details that make the difference?” And I suppose that’s why my surroundings are so important to me. They’re details – a loose narrative, a personal stamp, a collective visual diary of artifacts and mementos and souvenirs that illustrate our daily lives.

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Art, Lemonade and An Awakening

When I first launched Design for MiniKind, I had assumed it would be a pint-sized version of what my other blog was at the time – a place to catalog great products, inspired artists and creative ideas from around the web. Yet the more I delve deeper into my favorite makers and projects and gifts,

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The Style Of Self

Growing up, my best friend in middle school had the raddest tee. It was simple enough – navy and fitted – with a tiny line of white text on the front. But it’s message was far from subtle, reading “Labels are for jars. And you are not a jar.” She’d picked it up at a concert, and in the age of Guess jeans and “Button Your Fly” t-shirts, it was a bold alternative to the walking billboards that infiltrated our small town. Yet I’ve always wondered if – even when we’re not toting brand names or ad slogans – we’re still labeling ourselves? Are we becoming billboards for our lifestyle?

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