Motherhood In Residency

One of the more welcome changes of parenthood has been the realization that, to foster creativity in my own daughter, I must live a more creative life myself. What better motivator to get off the coach and start creating than a tiny tot, tugging at your hem, asking if you can spare a few moments

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Redefining Beauty

Paul Coelho once wrote, “We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body.” And it’s a funny thing, to speak of dreams as nourishment, as if the very fireworks that ignite our soul are also the morsels that feed our hungers, full of flavor and

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The Cure Is In Your Kitchen

Herbal medicine is something I’ve never explored in great detail, but a basic knowledge of the concept has always fascinated me. Growing up, I rarely visited the doctor, often relying on old-fashioned remedies or the ever-present “tough it out” mentality. And now that I’m older, I’ve found that little has changed – I still feel

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Visualizing Time

I’ve been reading and re-reading your comments, Tweets and emails from this post, and I love how each of your stories are further cementing my need to re-evaluate how I perceive time. Yesterday was a frenzy of appointments, phone calls and missed deadlines, and I ended the day feeling frustrated and overwhelmed (so much that

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You Are My Wild

Documenting my children is a huge priority for me, whether I’m writing a weekly letter to Bee or Instagramming daily moments that melt my heart. I know I won’t always remember the folds of her hands or hue of her newborn hair, but I can do my best to mentally capture these early days to

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The Kid Should See This

I love the idea of raising children in a realistic setting, rather than surrounding them with technicolor toys or unattainable role models. I’m also a big proponent of forever learning – the concept that just because we’re all grown up and no longer in school doesn’t mean we should close the books on a great

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Slowing Down (An Update)

I’ve been getting a few emails here and there asking how my “slower life” is treating me, and I realize I’ve never written a proper update on the so-called experiment. In a nutshell, the change has been amazing, and because there are so many thoughts swirling in my head, I’m going to just open the pantry and unload absolutely everything, all at once. This may or may not be legible.

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