
Ever since Bee was born, I began to stretch great lengths to clear our home of toxins to the best of our ability. Organic fruits and veggies always, BPA-free everything, you know the drill. And then I started clearing myself of those same toxins (exhibit A) and I’m slowly but surely transitioning into this crazy

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On Windows And Doors

The Internet is in the business of slivers: cropped images and clickable headlines and truncated word counts. But humans? We bring baggage. And it seems there is no great place to store our suitcases, is there?

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All Or Nothing

I’ve never been in a more minimal phase in my life than I am right now. My storage bins are full of pattern-filled, colorful items that haven’t been worn in years (pre-Bee days, perhaps?), replaced by a few basic textured pieces in blush, black, white and gray. My beauty drawer contains roughly three items and

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Raspberries and Renaissance

Ken and I had one of those quiet, non-interrupted dinners last week where the conversation kind of swims around from pizza to work to friends to – hey, what are we doing with our lives? It’s a rare occasion these days, because sometimes big ideas come up and my body is just kind of too

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When I was 21 and had landed one of my first “real” jobs as an executive assistant to a music producer, I ran into a gal in the copy room who had just lost her dog, an 11-year-old pug named Winnie. She was heartbroken and numb and in need of a listening ear, so we

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Miranda July has long been my favorite artist. There’s just something so innately, heartbreakingly human about her work – about the way she pieces together hopes and fears and vulnerability like stained glass on a hill. And her latest video is no different…

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The Lovie Project

I’ll admit; I had never heard the word ‘Lovie’ until I started reading parenting blogs, but I digress. Bee has thousands of stuffed animals she loves, from an odd neon cactus to a plump, plush bumblebee. They’re her staples, her “fwends,” as she calls them, and we haven’t tackled a bedtime routine without them in

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