jason clay lewis.

Jason Clay Lewis makes all sorts of interesting objects that I’m sure have some deeper meaning that I can’t see quite right now.  I love the cactus-y cake!

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cupcake cannon.

I’ve never been a big fan of cupcakes (they’re much too small for my appetite!), but I don’t know that I’d mind having a few lovely iced versions shot at my face. Spotted at RxFresh.

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marion lane.

Marion Lane’s “Chasing the Rabbit” series is so fascinating to me. Her description of the work?: “I think of these paintings as abstracted TV images, frame by frame. There is no one-to-one correspondence with any particular image. It is more that the paintings are associated with this ideal image space, although the exact nature of

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the forever blanket.

My allergies are kicking in (oh, Indiana) and I’m feeling sleepy, so this Forever Blanket from BCXSY has my heart palpitating fast this morning. Equal parts pillow, blanket and and mattress, the Forever Blanket is made from woven textiles and corn fiber filling. And a healthy dose of awesome, of course.

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