lionel esteve.

French artist Lionel Esteve crafted a huge mass of snakes and placed them in a white room of Galerie Perrotin. The result is gorgeous, but I’m still getting goosebumps just thinking of all that slithering…

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rad styling.

I’ve been pinning a few great photos to my Smart Styling board lately, so my head is undoubtedly swirling with images of the great, great work of stylists. Hands down, a fave project that came to mind instantly is this Martin Margiela campaign photographed by Estelle Hanania. So pretty, yes? It leaves just enough to

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patrick nadeau.

Have you guys seen the amazing plant creations from Patrick Nadeau? I think he can safely win title of the Plant Whisperer from today until forever. I should add that I’ve never really been into plants necessarily, but I’m totally changing my tune after seeing Patrick’s awesomeness. LINK: PATRICK NADEAU

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tuija helena markonsolo.

I’m endlessly inspired by this work of art from Tuija Helena Markonsolo, which is crazily covered in beading and other generally awesome things. Also of note? This insane dress. And because I’ll never be able to afford the original to frame in my hallway, the print is available at Saatchi for just $20. Is it

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alice channer.

English artist Alice Channer has a super fascinating interview over at Mousse Magazine. A talented installation artist, she shares loads about her process, including the art of negative space, artistic framing and the concept of division. A must-read for artists and art-lovers alike! LINK: MOUSSE MAGAZINE photos via the approach

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benjamin kanarek.

Benjamin’s work for Vogue Portugal is blowing my face off. I’ll be speaking at a local high school for career day today — I can totally don any of the above frocks, yes? Good. LINK: BENJAMIN KANAREK

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