I’m trying to figure out why I love this styrofoam, wood and acrylic piece from Joan Salo so much, and I can’t. Sometimes love doesn’t make sense. (And almost all the time for me, art doesn’t, either.) LINK: JOAN SALÓ
the new still life.
Remember those still life drawings you had to learn in jr. high? A fruit basket in front of a window? A globe on a side table? Heidi has perfected the new still life, which involves zero globes, but extra awesome. LINK: HEIDI NORTON
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float on.
Isn’t this photo shoot from Dazed Digital oh-so-floaty? And speaking of floaty, it completely bothers me that “flotation” is spelled the way it is. Oh, English. Let’s forget about it and look at pretty pictures, OK? Done. LINK: DAZED DIGITAL
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oh, suno.
Suno’s pattern-mixing collections have a super high slot in my list of Hall of Famers. Also up top? Rainy days, brownie batter and sweatpants that have been washed over 89 times. What’s on yours? LINK: SUNO
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monday colors.
I’ve been busy researching for a new design project today, and how lovely is the color palette in this sponge-turned-popsicle from Put Put? Such an odd concept, but man does it make me happy! LINK: PUT PUT
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anona studio.
Anona Studio’s fabrics aren’t just impeccable – they’re impeccably styled. Dreamy. LINK: ANONA STUDIO
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wyne veen.
Umm, you guys. There’s something gorgeous happening over in Wyne Veen’s portfolio. Go hither. LINK: WYNE VEEN
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rock faces.
Laurent creates mineral portraits of men in his “Lovestoned” series. And yep, you can order your own. I know roughly 5,143 women who would love to stone their past loves, right? Such a surprisingly beautiful series. LINK: LAURENT CHAMPOUSSIN