Real quick, a disclaimer: I’m using the term “essential” loosely here. Essentials are food, water, shelter. We know this to be true, and yet, we are continually convincing ourselves otherwise – that the cast-iron skillet, the lavender oil, the boar bristle brush are essential to a life well-lived. And while thoughtful style is a worthy
10 Blogs You (Overwhelmingly) Praised
In this questionnaire, so so so many of you asked that I share a list of the sites and blogs everyone else recommended. And so, in the spirit of spreading the love and shedding a spotlight on some well-known friends, here’s an unofficial list for you: 10 blogs you love to love. (Fun fact: I’ve
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Ideals + Musings
Of Paperweights and Privilege
Our conversation has taken a sharp turn to privilege. She is quoting Eleanor Roosevelt to me – I am familiar, I say – and she is twirling her locks in one hand, cupping an Americano in the other. She tells me that her daughter has gone off to college. A small liberal arts school out
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Food + Drink
Simmer Down
I’m a sauce girl, through and through. Take me to a fancy restaurant and I’m oft-tempted to order the kids’ chicken fingers as a means of tasting every condiment imaginable. Chipotle mayo? Extra, please. Your pumpkin ketchup? Yes a million. Aioli anything? 100%. Thus, marinades. I don’t use marinades as marinades in that I don’t
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Family + Kids
Small Step No. 11
Bee and Ken took a quick trip to Florida last week, and upon returning, I asked her what her favorite part of the trip was. The mid-day ocean frolics? The spotting of a sand dollar? Sunsets with Grandma? The airplane snacks! she says with certainty before launching into a full-on recitation of the contents/flavors/exactness of
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Food + Drink
Tea Time
And just like that, I’m a tea drinker. Listen, I’ve always wanted to be a tea drinker. My favorite people are tea drinkers, and they look so calm and effervescent just sitting there, steeping, lost in thought and glowy skin. And yet, coffee lured me into its black depths sometime in the thick of my
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Small Step No. 09
For all the areas of my life I claim minimalism (or, at least, a graceful version of the sort), my beauty drawer cannot accurately be included. What began as a teenager’s dopp kit carrying little more than waterproof mascara and acne concealer has, over the years, morphed into a full-blown arsenal for any skin “need”
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Ideals + Musings
Try This: A Resource Party
You know that thing you’ve been wanting to do? Climb Mt. Everest? Clean out your attic? Tailor those pants? Launch that project? Volunteer at the food shelter? I think you should do it this summer. (I know, I know. The kids are home. You’ve got that road trip planned. Work’s insane right now. The calendar’s