There’s just something about the front porch, yes? Early mornings with the birds, friendly hellos to the dog-walkers. Watching elementary kids scooting by, their shoulders hunched with nylon backpacks as they balance a volcano science project trepidatiously on their mother’s baking sheet.
And yet, our front porch has been neglected for years. Opting instead to focus on interiors and a backyard garden, I rarely gave a second thought to curb appeal – and once I did, I was frozen by indecision. Pergola? Half stone wall? Cedar fencing?
As it turns out, a set of Adirondack chairs was all we needed. This one in particular is designed to withstand the harshest of elements year-round, which, for us Midwesterners, means no more precious garage square footage stolen to store a finicky patio set through the long winter months. Perfectly flocked by a few window boxes and grounded with simple clover, our space has been transformed from a hurried entrance to a leisurely spot to watch the sun rise, fall, and rise again – pausing only to help a 2nd grader carry his volcano the whole way home.
To Buy: Adirondack Chair ($330) at The Company Store