Merry week-before-Christmas! I’ve got one last gift guide for the food fans everywhere today – perfectly shippable and sure to delight! Enjoy: 1. Mix and Mingle treat set ($30) at Droga 2. Port wine caramel sauce ($8) at Sweeteeth 3. Hammond’s peppermint sugar puffs ($17) at Amazon 4. French chocolate fondue ($25) at iGourmet 5. Fig
an optimistic planter.
The 24 Dientes team have finally designed a planter that speaks the language of plant-killing humans everywhere. Handmade by artisans in Spain, each “I Will Survive” pot is unique (and uniquely optimistic in lieu of our botany-centered forgetfulness!). LINK: 24 DIENTES
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Aarikka is the Finnish company behind Keisarinna: a collection of wooden lamps, vases, candleholders and serving trays that launched in 1969. Run by three daughters whose mother created the line after being inspired by a wooden button in her studies at Helsinki Arts and Crafts Institute, each wooden bead is assembled either at home or
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a dose of color.
Nail polish is the ultimate upper, right? I love this quirky collection of mini nail polishes packaged in such a quirky fashion. And on this dark winter morning, each bright hue (3 for $20) is just what the doctor ordered! LINK: LUCKY SCENT
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gift guide // for your artsy colleague.
Happy gift guiding today! Whether you’re sitting behind a cubicle or are planning to ship your favorite e-colleague something special this year, enjoy this roundup of fun/quirky surprises below!: 1. Because he secretly wants to be a world famous painter but, for now, needs a place for his paperclips. Brushstroke porcelain tray ($54) 2. Because
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a micro catalog.
Genius idea: three Northwestern design studios put their heads together to showcase their favorite products in one micro catalog. It’s perfectly styled, photographed and executed – but here’s why I love it most: People win when they work together. Design studios are in constant competition to be better, get ahead and sell more work. Yet by
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ice cream ties.
Design for MANkind, indeed. L.A.-based Pocket Square Clothing has the sweetest (literally!) ties inspired by – yes, ice cream! Choose from one of many savory flavors (mint julep is my favorite), all packaged in an adorable ice cream cartons. Wouldn’t these make perfect holiday gifts for the gentleman in your life? LINK: POCKET SQUARE CLOTHING
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a stallion blazer.
The invitation calls for business casual. Perfect time to bring the horses out for a canter, yes? LINK: MILK FROM A THISTLE