OK, OK. They’re soap. But that doesn’t make them any less awesome, you hear? LINK: JAYSON HOME & GARDEN
lacy pendant lighting.
Sort of remind me of that time we hung Becky’s undies from the ceiling fan after she fell asleep. LINK: KICKI MOLLER p.s. Becky, if you’re reading this? It was totally Jennifer’s idea.
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an artful table lamp.
My, my, my. That is one arty lamp. LINK: CANDELABRA
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a horse bottle opener.
A perfectly vintage-looking horse bottle opener for a steal! Merry Christmas to me. LINK: PAPER TRAIL
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patterned cutting boards.
I suppose they’re rug-inspired, too. Which gives new meaning to the term “cut a rug.” Ha! Snort! Just a bit of Monday Punday for you. LINK: PLASTICA