an optimistic planter.

The 24 Dientes team have finally designed a planter that speaks the language of plant-killing humans everywhere. Handmade by artisans in Spain, each “I Will Survive” pot is unique (and uniquely optimistic in lieu of our botany-centered forgetfulness!). LINK: 24 DIENTES

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Aarikka is the Finnish company behind Keisarinna: a collection of wooden lamps, vases, candleholders and serving trays that launched in 1969. Run by three daughters whose mother created the line after being inspired by a wooden button in her studies at Helsinki Arts and Crafts Institute, each wooden bead is assembled either at home or

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wonderland decor.

Holy Alice and Wonderland alert. I feel like I’m shopping in the rabbit hole! For the record, that was absolutely the scariest kid’s book ever for me. I mean, Jabberwocky? Eek indeed. I don’t even know if I spelled ‘Jabberwocky’ right, but I’m totally not googling it b/c his face will pop up and OH

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kaleido trays.

Kaleido trays were made to mix and match to your geometric fancy. Now your keys, earrings and wallet can all play Tangrams together. LINK: A+R

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hangable furniture.

Pegs is a family of furniture you can disassemble to hang on your wall as art. Bonus? They mix/match to create different pieces depending on your needs that day. This is blowing my mind in the all-caps kind of way. LINK: STUDIO GORM

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a rock bowl.

Aleksandra created this bowl out of a cast from a single granite rock. And when it tore? He filled the tiny crack with gold. Makes you think, yes? LINK: ALEKSANDRA POLLNER p.s. Check out his porcelain axe while you’re at it. It’s rad x 3.

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