lorraine glessner.

Lorraine Glessner is just one of those people who get better and better with time. I’ve been loving her Sunday church drawings, which, surprisingly*, look way better than mine. *That’s sarcasm, folks. I can’t even draw a cat. [thanks for the tip, kathryn!]

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jordi ferreiro.

Jordi created artwork out of an everyday, average, no-nothin’ Excel spreadsheet. Take that, Microsoft! website:  JORDI FERREIRO tumblr :JORDI FERREIRO

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michael krueger.

I love a good artist interview, and this one is particularly inspiring. Three cheers for hippy art projects! interview:  LITTLE PAPER PLANES website: MICHAEL KRUEGER

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zoe pawlak.

I’d call this piece ‘One Night in Bangkok.’ Not sure what Zoe calls it, but isn’t it divine? website: ZOE PAWLAK twitter: LOADED BOW

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