Drew Tyndell creates arty architecture pieces and now I’m really resisting the urge to title this post ‘art’chitecture because I’m a nerdbomb. Growing up with a home builder as a father, Drew ran around job sites as a kid, making huge piles of wood scraps in the front yard. Fast forward 10+ years and those
nathan prouty.
From Nathan’s artist statment: “As an artist, I see my role as cocktail party host: I introduce the viewer to the work then gracefully remove myself, leaving them talking while I make sure we are not running out of party punch. Once the loose parameters for the discussion between the viewer and the work are
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richard vergez.
Richard Vergez pairs things together that were meant to be married long ago. Like sea salt and caramel. My goodness, why were those flavors not gallivanting together sooner? LINK: RICHARD VERGEZ on SOCIETY6
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richard mosse.
The hills of Eastern Congo aren’t pink, no, but Richard Mosse made them so. From the New Yorker: “Mosse used Aerochrome, an obsolete technology, to create an alternative image of the complex social and political dynamics of the country. The film…reveals a spectrum of light beyond what the human eye can perceive. He aims “to
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sam falls.
Why choose one medium when you can have both? LINK: SAM FALLS via stream
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andreas schimanski.
My favorite plants are the ones I can’t kill. (And ones that look as rad as this beauty, yes.) LINK: ANDREAS SCHIMANSKI
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brice bischoff.
No, this isn’t another colored smoke love story. (It’s surprisingly radder.) Brice Bischoff danced in front of his camera with large sheets of colored paper and created these masterpieces. Can you believe it? Clearly, dancing is the secret to success. LINK: BRICE BISCHOFF via design boom
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foster huntington.
Foster left his NYC design job over a year ago and has been traveling across the country in a VW van ever since – and documenting it for us lucky souls to see. Man, what a journey! (I’m curious – would you guys trade crisp sheets and home-cooked meals for adventures and take-out? I can’t