color mankind.

Look at things differently this weekend, OK? LINK:  PUFFED PEONIES on ETSY via okay great Color Mankind is a weekly guest series from Lauren Willhite.

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bookmark it.

1. What do you get when you cross a trend with a classic? Neon ceramics! In love. 2. Morse code jewelry that you really, really need. 3. Knitted food from Thomas C. Chung (thanks, Sanna!). 4. A highly buyable Etsy jewelry shop: Still With You. 5. Martin Ku’s coiled mug needs to go into production

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affordable art.

Rikkianne painted over pages of her great aunt’s diaries, which makes her shop name all the funnier. Bonus? This piece is $20! LINK:  YOU SENTIMENTAL IDIOT on ETSY

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