So many goodies on the web this week! Here are a few faves: 1. One of my favorite Canadian mags, OCW, just launched another issue! Whee! 2. Did you catch Little Paper Plane’s large format print release this week? The only thing better than art is massive art. 3. Hammocks & High Tea’s newest Hammam
a butterfly plane.
Wowza. Paul made this with a few aluminum cans and some other stuff. Really raising the bar, that one. LINK: PAUL VILLINSKI
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a rainbow bust.
Nick will always be King of the Bust. (The statue kind.) LINK: NICK VAN WOERT
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a beaded cloud.
This is an art installation, but I’d re-purpose it as a hat and wear it to the Kentucky Derby. LINK: DANIEL ARSHAM
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balloon art.
Mauro creates paintings by filling balloons with paint, then popping them on an adjacent canvas. The result is a stunning abstract. LINK: MAURO BONACINA via holy moley do it chloe
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kate tucker art.
Dear Art, If you ever need a place to stay, my wall is vacant and I’ll put a mint on your pillow. LINK: KATE TUCKER
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david gilbert’s installation.
I don’t know, either, but I like it. LINK: DAVID GILBERT via: ARCADEMI
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stripes and sticks.
Man. Andy really needs to call up Ginette Lapalme. I’m feeling a kickin’ collaboration is in order!