
Oh, light and ladies are the ultimate combo. LINKS: BRENNA PERCY & FFFFOUND (SOS IMAGE!) Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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color mankind.

Wishing you a happy weekend here at Design for Mankind! LINK: MARIA KITANO via modish & rachel b. Color Mankind is a weekly guest series from Lauren Willhite.

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I’m photoshooting today, so Justina and M. Fay are taking over. Go get ’em, girls! LINKS: KAFFEREPET & ART.COM Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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Only Cy can make overalls look this good. Vote: are we ready for overalls again, friends? LINKS:  VENA CAVA & CY TWOMBLY Samesies is a weekly guest series from M. Fay.

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