If you’ve ever visited my home, you’ll notice a pretty stark aversion to color in… pretty much every room. It’s not that I can’t appreciate a great hue (obviously), it’s just that white is so… calming. And peaceful. And clean. All of the things I long for my home to be (even though, in the
hot air balloon plates.
I’m planning to decorate our guest bedroom in a very monochromatic palette (surprised?) with lots of inky charcoal accents. I’m thinking these vintage hot air balloon plates would be perfect to display on the wall, no? ($48) LINK: WEST THIRD BRAND via HOME REMEDY
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a watercolor rug.
This piece of art is a rug. I know. I can’t believe it either. LINK: NODUS RUGS p.s. Nodus also created this awesome rug. I’m totally obsessed! p.p.s. I’m not telling you how much this costs, because it will make your head hurt.
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a raindrop beanbag chair.
Tell me you don’t want to watch Arrested Development in this beanie? Tell me? LINK: WOOUF
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a pearl clothesline.
For the modern, glamorous country gal. Brilliant! Link: HOMMIN
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design house stockholm.
Gracious, I looooove this table runner. Eek! Might just hang it on my wall… Link: Design House Stockholm.