Follow: Kelle Hampton

While I’m in Singapore this month, I’ve been sharing a few favorite blog recommendations I have over here – blogs that make me think and smile and – as in today’s case – cry. Kelle Hampton is an unapologetic mother – she is beautifully honest about her trials and struggles, with an unending emphasis on

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the diving bell

Senan Lee and Pansy Aung were just two London artists having a fleeting conversation about work/life balance when, as it all too often does, inspiration struck. “We decided to visualize our feelings about the life of being creatives in a physical sculpture,” Pansy writes. And so, The Diving Bell was born.

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bookmark it.

My inspiration folder is bursting at the seams. Here are a few links to share and share alike!: 1. Scott Albrecht’s recent installation Along The Way looked simply fantastic. 2. What was once a men’s tie is now a DIY planter. I’m amazed. 3. A spray-painted radio: Proof that spray paint should win a Nobel

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color inspiration.

Wishing you a bold, bright, color-filled weekend! LINKS: 1. BAN.DO via ez / 2.GALA DARLING via justina / 3.PETER GRAY HURLEY / 4. I HEART MAKEUP via joy p.s. If you can spot Paula Deen in the above images, you win life.

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agence eureka.

Attention, creatives. There is some serious inspiration to be unearthed in this photostream. OK, now. Talk amongst yourselves. flickr:  PILLPAT

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