Try This: Family Mail

Kids think of the best ideas. It all started with this book, launching a whole foray into Bee’s fervent mastery of the paper pocket, her small hands folding in and out of frustration over the attempts. After the skill was adequately aced, our home began to resemble a UPS store for a time, dozens of

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4 Toddler Printables

I’m endlessly amazed at how many incredible resources we have at our fingertips – for free! – thanks to content producers, bloggers and magazines that find value in sharing what they know. Case in point? Printables. With a quick download and a bit of printer ink, we can so easily teach our kids new skills,

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an art journal.

I’ve toyed for years with the idea of embarking on a personal art journal project, and Junyi Wu’s just solidified the inspiration for me. What a beautiful peek into her mind. LINK: JUNYI WU

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bookmark it.

Happy Friday, friends! The best of the web this week: 1. I know I mentioned yesterday that I sort of hate florals, but these paper flowers are stunning! 2. I’d love to retreat to any of these famous writers’ cabins! (via modish) 3. This DIY rope necklace is all sorts of genius! 4. Am now

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