
There was this old man that used to come in to the coffee shop where I often write, plopping himself on a big red sofa and spending hours sifting through wrinkled books and weathered photographs, magnifying glass in hand. Every now and then, he would look up and breathe in a deep, satisfied sigh, as

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Shout it from the mountaintop, friends. LINKS:  LORRAINE RODRIGUEZ & KRISTINA DI ENES Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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Is it just me, or is this Justina’s best work EVER? Happy weekend, friends! LINKS: JOYFUL STUDIO & LITTLE DOODLES Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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Oh, light and ladies are the ultimate combo. LINKS: BRENNA PERCY & FFFFOUND (SOS IMAGE!) Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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