the sky project.

A few years ago, Vincent sent out a mass email asking strangers to take photos of their sky. The result is a thousand skies, each beautiful in their own right. And gracious, Vienna looks mighty foggy! Link:  VINCENT WHO

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sorry, mom!

“Sorry, Mom!” is a collection of photos with corresponding text, documenting everything you couldn’t, didn’t want to, or never had the chance to say to your mother: “I’m sorry I made you stand in the snowy, Midwest cold. You’re such a pretty moms and I’ve exploited your early morning face before coffee, which isn’t fair

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kristopher ho.

I’ll be out today at a family funeral. In the mean time, enjoy Kristopher’s ‘I Can See You Without Seeing You’ series. It’s quite good, and you can even view it in a special 3D format. Awesome. I’ll be back tomorrow; thanks for understanding! Link:  KRISTOPHER HO

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this is home.

Remember this project? Good news! The finalists have been chosen according to your votes and the awesome postcard packs are officially here. Limited edition, folks — these are going fast. Pick up yours now! Link:  THIS IS HOME

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