
Shout it from the mountaintop, friends. LINKS:  LORRAINE RODRIGUEZ & KRISTINA DI ENES Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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bookmark it.

I’m on my way to Palm Beach for a fun event, but not before I leave you with plenty of reading material in my absence! Happy Friday, friends!: 1. Brooklyn Bride is full of rainbow goodness! 2. Shabd’s new fall collection is just… stunning. 3. Alicia’s DIY geometric necklace is gasp-inducing. 4. Love this peek

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morgan blair.

I never really was one for diamonds (I’d rather have coffee as my best friend, really), but Morgan Blair’s diamonds? Well, they’re pretty.

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rainbow stamps.

Paul Dersidan created stamps for every color of the rainbow. Wouldn’t these look lovely if shipping an international package where multiple stamps are required? Yummy work, Paul.

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