British magazine editor-turned-stylist and designer Faye Toogood has been known for her sculptural gallery pieces and limited edition furniture line for years. More recently, she’s found a way to make her minimalist pieces more accessible in a small-scale production entitled BATCH (hooray for accessibility, yes?). In an effort to introduce the collection to the masses
a rad christmas catalog.
And BOOM. That is how a Christmas catalog is done. Well played, Craft. LINK: CRAFT
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studio fludd.
Kate gave me the head’s up that Studio Fludd had updated their portfolio, and OMG yes. (I’ve posted about Studio Fludd twice before and am the happiest owner of their gorgeous prism necklaces). Anyway, their experiment in photography and styling has intrigued me, and dudes, is it possible to make a living collecting things with
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a perfect lookbook.
Oh, man. These lookbook images from A Piece Apart are perfectly executed and I’m now feeling really wanty about tan and beige. Which is weird, because I sort of fundamentally hate tan and beige. It’s like when my food stylist friend puts spray deodorant onto beer mugs to make them look frosty. Sort of. LINK:
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beneath the sun.
Beneath the Sun is the lunch table all the cool cushions are sitting at. Only this time, you’re invited – and no one’s eating Cheetos. LINK: BENEATH THE SUN via daydream lily
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a rad lookbook.
I sometimes wonder if I was a lookbook designer in my past life, because I am absolutely obsessed with them. Scout & Catalogue’s is a goodie this season. LINK: SCOUT & CATALOGUE
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amon clothing.
I’m totally not doing this amazing line any justice with a handful of pics, but I was tired of screenshotting. Do yourself a favor and just visit the site yourself; it’s dripping with rad. LINK: AMON
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hey, hay!
Danish furniture company HAY is crazy on top of things this year, showing that color blocking is still very much a fall trend to notice. Not only are their products well-designed, but I always look forward to seeing their new catalog each year. How perfectly styled are these images from their 2012 collection?…