color mankind.

What an instantly calming image. You feel better, don’t you? LINK: SHOLEH ASGARY via cheryl on simple lovely Color Mankind is a weekly guest series from Lauren Willhite.

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a watercolor video.

If you’re feeling sluggish this morning, Bradley Hyppa can help. LINK: LITTLE PAPER PLANES p.s. You know what else can help? A kickin’ giveaway coming right up…

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a watercolor dot.

Bernadette painted a pink watercolor dot on her first official day as a freelance illustrator (back in March!)! I think I’ll start doing the same on my calendar for milestones and such. A lovely idea, yes? LINK:  DECADE

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an art journal.

I’ve toyed for years with the idea of embarking on a personal art journal project, and Junyi Wu’s just solidified the inspiration for me. What a beautiful peek into her mind. LINK: JUNYI WU

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