
I was out on the town today [that’s actually a lie] and totally lost track of time, but it seems today is the LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR THE SCAVENGER PROJECT!

For those of you who are new to the blog, The Scavenger Project is a collaboration between myself and ArtHouseCo-Op, one of the coolest art venues in all of Georgia. Heck, let’s just say all of the WORLD. That may be a lie, too, but just a little one.

Anyway, we’re creating a book and we need your help! By signing up for the project, you’ll receive a list of items to “scavenge” i.e. take photos of, illustrate, collage, write about, etc… whatever you wish! Your entries will be showcased at the ArtHouse Gallery and will be featured in the published book! Are you so excited?

So if you read this tomorrow [Thursday], I MIGHT be able to squeeze you in at the last minute. But only if you make really excellent baked goods for Shane and I…

[and if you’re already signed up, don’t forget to join our flickr group to upload your progress!]

  • You nearly gave me a heart attack there Miss Erin, I thought you were going to say it was submission deadline! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Breathe! I have only one photo, and it may be usurped by others in the end…

  • Love it!! I’ve signed up. I wanna do projects like this in the UK. xx p.s. I haven’t been recieving Design for Mankind emails for a couple of weeks so I’ve re-subscribed.

  • HA— sorry to scare you, dear Jen! :)

    And Janice— my goodness, that’s weird? Let me know if you still don’t receive and I’ll see what I can do…

  • I just signed up, hope it’s not too late! Baked goods, on their way across the midwest as we speak!

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