day 12: butterflies and clovers.

Anytime I wear jeans, I like to make them achingly feminine, and what could be more girly than a giant bow, butterflies and a card deck-inspired blouse? (full of diamonds, hearts, spades and clovers — yes!)

I felt much more like myself than yesterday, which is good, because if I would have had two down days in a row, I’m quite sure I would’ve quit this wee little challenge. It’s a lovely idea, really, to just wear thirty items for thirty days, but I can’t help it — I’m really, really missing my favorite things.

For the record, everything I own is my favorite. I have a real problem with superlatives. In that I use them in like, every sentence. See? Did it again.

Also, whoa. That above shot appears as if I’m turning this into a PG13 blog series, but I promise, this is actually a very modest cut blouse. Normally. Perhaps it was windy in this photo? Gosh, I don’t know.

Above is an outfit for the30/30/30 challenge, which you can read about right here. You’ll find my outfit photos in this space, along with my experiences in living with less over at ReadyMade Magazine every Thursday. Enjoy!

  • I love this outfit! The bow totally takes it to another level! The shirt suits you!! I tried it on and it made me look like I was 5, well 5 and more than PG-13 b/c I couldn’t button the top few bottons. You make it look artsy in a grown up way! Have fun with your roomie! Roomie reunions are the best!!

  • ohhhh thank you! i love this one, too!

    and just so you know, the trim on the top blouse is black, while the butterfly blouse is blue. i like breaking the rules that way. :)

  • ahaha, this is great! love your sense of humour!!! brilliant! and those layered blouses, i would never wear them… until today, but from now on… i am really giving it a try to these different matches, i find it gorgeous on you… so really must try different things next time! have a great day!!! ;) hugs, twiggs

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