Whoa, whoa, whoa. OK guys, this looks like a pretty little picture of a few floating balloons tied to a white desk, but those balloons? They’re actually a permanent rubber composite design created to hold up one portion of the desk (and that’s not all!)…
Designed by creative agency Boys and Girls and produced by Twisted Image, the desk is a sight to see indeed. The ribbons are carbo-titanium, but so realistic, yes?
And the other end of the desk? Enlarged Jenga blocks carved from solid wood, naturally. Amaaaaazing! What a fun little reception area for an even funner company. (Thanks for the photos, Liam Murphy!)
Gosh, if I had a desk like this at work I’d never get bored… :)
Unbelievable! I am so amazed with the talent out there. So so great
I WANT THIS!!! This is so crazy cool!
so amazing, yes???
the fact that there are people in the world who created that desk just makes me smile.
Wow this is amazing. I may have to borrow this idea for a project at work.
So, so great, yes?
OK…incredible is the only word for this!!!
i so agree!