anna wolf.

If I wasn’t a stay-at-home-blogger with a background in advertising, marketing and everything glamorous (that’s a joke, people), I’d want to be a photographer. Two years ago I bought my first grown-up camera with a REAL lens and I have no idea how to use it, but I love how it looks when I steady the lens with my right hand and say “one moment, I’m balancing the white space” or something smart like that.

And for the record, I have no idea what balancing the white space means.

So naturally, I LOVE LOVE people like Anna Wolf. Photographers that make pictures that are so equally gorgeous, but real. None of this “I’m doing the dishes in my ballgown” crap, but real people in real situations. Ok, maybe not real people. REALly attractive people. In far-fetched situations. But still. You get my point.

Anyway, Anna has been one of my favorite fashion photographers since I stumbled on her latest UO spread and peed a little. Thank you, Anna, for being so fabulous!

Click here to see more of her beautiful work!

[p.s. I’m taking a short break, but will return later this afternoon for a fashion forward AND trend alert. You LUCKY DOGS!]
  • all really beautiful images, I can see why you love these photographers. hope to see you up & blogging, even with your new full time gig, a

  • You know, EB, I went to her site and while it’s cool, I think the real fun is in her blog. It’s really nice when you see people who aren’t creatively burnt out, and it’s awesome that she’s pretty free with her personal stuff, making collages and admitting to liking taking dark pictures sometimes. As a perfectionist, I really admire people who aren’t afraid of imperfection and flaunting it.

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